
Wine notepad++ mac
Wine notepad++ mac

column selection only works in a special mode. Every once in a while the fact that it's an Electron app makes something weird e.g. Honestly I should try it instead of TextMate for a bit.įinally, you may already know it from the Windows side, but Visual Studio Code is really pretty good these days. It's paid, but there's a trial period, and I think they recently added some kind of reduced-features free mode to it.

wine notepad++ mac

It's been around for something like 20 years dating back to the pre- OS X era and is genuinely considered one of the crown jewels of Mac software. I've never used it for long enough to have much of an opinion on it, but here on the mac side people **LOVE** BBEdit for powerful text editing. But it's still chugging along, doing what it does while being reasonably lightweight. The most recent release is about a year old, which is getting close to "is this thing alive?" territory. As far as I can tell, it's now a GPL'd project. TextMate is old, and went through some weird times where version 2 development had seemingly stalled, and more recently where (just going from memory here) the developer was trying to kill it. Biggest missing feature for me is that you can't split windows. This is largely because it's what I used way back when, but it does reasonably match those bullet points for what I like about Notepad++ (just note that the tabbed window functionality is easy to miss, since command-N makes a new window). I haven't been back working on the Mac side for long, but for now I'm using TextMate 2. Handy power features built-in or in plugins, like regex-enabled find / replace, diffing, etc. My habit is to just make a new document every time I have, say, some API response I need to paste somewhere, so I appreciate that in Notepad++ I end up with a million tabs instead of a million windows.ĭecent-to-good syntax highlighting and folding (again, mostly for json/html type stuff I do my actual coding elsewhere). I use it as a scratchpad for misc things of varying importance, so the auto-saves are really important to me.

wine notepad++ mac

I had this same question! Not sure how you use Notepad++, but I love it because:

wine notepad++ mac

I'm a longtime (like, 1990's) Mac user who switched largely to Windows for about a decade for work, and I'm now very happy to be on an M2 Air thanks to cross-platform dotnet.

Wine notepad++ mac